Here Goes Nothing

Expat Life, Random Musings

So yeah, finally, I now have a blog.

This is just actually a virtual version of my long overdue diary. I have always liked the idea of documenting the significant moments of my life but laziness get to me every time I attempt to write in my journal. Perhaps lack of confidence is also one reason. You see, I’m not really good at writing but I love to read (all thanks to J.K. Rowling and some old pocketbooks at home) and I wish I started earlier.

There will be no theme for my entries as this blog will be a medium for my random musings as an expat trying to fit in and survive here in the vast and extremely hot (during summer) yet exciting desert of ‘Dorne’.

This is a milestone for me, so I’m pretty excited about how this will go. I hope I’ll be able to keep up.

And oh, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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Here’s a moon cake for you.

Ciao for now!